↓ WEST ↓ Milepost Name Function Notes

NS Washington Dist.

CAA0.0 Orange division point JCT Norfolk Southern Washington District
BEGIN Orange subdivision
VA20 xing VA20 business/Main Street grade crossing, beautiful downtown Orange, VA


CAA0.2 Koppers industry industry spur to Koppers over Berry Hill Road; former C&O yard lead
CAA0.5 VA647
S. Orange
VA647/Old Gordonsville Road grade crossing; [DEAD] former CP South Orange signal just south of crossing

Orange Co-Op

CAA1.9 Orange Co-Op industry Orange-Madison Cooperative
CAA2.8 Lee's Crossing signal [DEAD] removed, last northbound signal before connection to NS at Orange
CAA3.14 VA647 xing VA647/Old Gordonsville Road (south) grade crossing
CAA4.04 VA639 xing VA639/Madison Run Road grade crossing
CAA4.9 Liberty historic [DEAD] former Liberty spur
CAA5.15 VA718 xing VA718/Liberty Road/Misjordan Road grade crossing
CAA5.2 Doubleday signal [DEAD] removed Double Day signal just south of VA718/Liberty Road/Misjordan Road
CAA5.87 VA706 xing VA706/Pickett Road/Wolf Trap Road (private) grade crossing
CAA6.8 Annie signal [DEAD] removed former MP 7 Airport signal adjacent to Gordonsville Airport
CAA7.6 Carter historic [DEAD] former Carter Lumber spur on south side of Gordonsville Airport; still visible on satellite images
CAA8.1 VA690 xing VA690/Black Level Road grade crossing
CAA8.9 N Gordonsville jct
JCT North Mountain sub to Charlottesville

North Mtn sub

G Tower wye G Tower at apex of wye

Piedmont sub

CA160.3 Yowell jct
JCT Piedmont sub from Doswell


Note 1: 2018.08.03 — The Buckingham Branch Orange subdivision is the former CSX/C&O Washington sub leased from NS/Virginia Midland/Orange and Alexandria RR. Some control points have been renamed after Bryant family members.